In a tragic turn of events, heavy downpours caused mudslides that claimed the lives of multiple individuals in Bizi village, Chibumba parish, Murora Sub County in Kisoro district. Among the victims was the LCI chairman for the village, Mr. Gaudiozi Ntibarikure, who lost three of his biological children in the disaster. Gladiz Uwamariya, 20, Glidas Mucunguzi, in primary five, and Jason Tutizere, in p.7, all perished in the event.
The Murora sub-county LCIII, Mr. Hadard Nkunzimana, who is also the security chairperson for his sub-county, confirmed the fatalities. He identified the deceased biological children of Mr. Ntibarikure and noted that others lost their lives in the same incident. These included his grandson, Desire Tumuhimana, and his shamba boy, only identified as Junior, son to Mr. Philip Nzabanita of the neighboring village of Bukerahe.
According to Mr. Nkunzimana, the incident occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning, at around 3 am, when mudslides from the adjacent hills struck Mr. Ntibarikure’s residence, causing it to collapse. The heavy downpour began at approximately 8 pm on Tuesday and stopped at around 5 am on Wednesday. Mr. Ntibarikure’s wife, Ms. Hope Nyirabwenge, survived the ordeal but sustained injuries. She is currently receiving medical attention at Mutolere Hospital in Kisoro District.
Mr. Nkunzimana also shared that a senior six candidate, Nelson Kazungu, a 21-year-old resident of the same village and son of Charles Sebasore, died on the spot after being hit by mudslides as he fled their residential home.
The bodies of all the deceased persons have since been retrieved, and burial arrangements are underway. A pygmy woman identified as Provia Nyiranzara, who was trapped by the mudslides, was rescued alive by residents after she made an alarm.
In addition to the loss of life, traffic flow on the Kabale-Lake Bunyonyi road was also paralyzed on Wednesday morning after mudslides blocked the road at Kiyoora cell in the Kabale District. Several vehicles, including tourist vehicles, passenger vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians, were stranded on the roadside.
The Uganda National Roads Authority station manager for Kabale, Ms. Arison Abenabo, said that a team of engineers had been deployed to fix the damaged areas. She assured the public that they had all the necessary equipment to repair any blocked road.