Road signs are regulatory, informational, and, most of the time, warning signs. Without anyone to warn you of what to expect ahead of you, a road sign works as a nonstop voicemail informing me of what to expect on the way. In the comprehensive list of road signs in Uganda, we shall start with the top ten most common road signs in Uganda.
Top 10 Common Road Signs
Below are the most common road signs in Uganda and their meaning.
Parking Sign

The P shows that there is a designated parking space on that street. Therefore, you can park on that street once you find an empty designated space.
No Parking Sign

The P-sign with a cross shows that you are not allowed to park in that area where you find the sign, even in instances where there is parking space.
Humps Ahead Sign

The humps ahead sign is commonly found before entering city centers. In the same locality, you will often find a speed limit of 50km/hr.
50km Speed Limit Sign Post

Uganda’s most common signpost is the 50 km speed limit sign, often found when approaching a trading center.
No Left Turn

The no-turn to the left signpost is commonly found where the road is barricaded in the middle, but they left some space somewhere in the middle for cars to exit to the right. People from the opposite direction might also be tempted to exit to the left. The purpose of this sign is to mark places with only one exit by marking out the forbidden exit.
No Right Turn

The no-right turn signpost is put in places like the no-left turn signpost. It informs motorists that they are not allowed to take a right turn, though people are taking left turns.
One Way Road

A round signpost with a minus sign in the middle marks roads that only allow cars to drive in one direction. Whether there are two or more lanes on this kind of road, you can only drive in one direction.
U-Turn Sign Post in Uganda

In Uganda, they drive on the left-hand side of the road. The above road sign says that it is allowed to make a turn at the point where you see this signpost.
No U-Turn Sign Post

The no U-turn sign can appear like the sign above or like the above U-turn signpost but with a cross. This signpost is usually placed near junctions.
Zebra crossing

The Zebra crossing signpost is very common in Uganda. Unfortunately, it is one of the most abused roadsides. Many motorists rarely stop on zebra crossing.