Horizontal shot of a retail gasoline station and convenience store at dusk.

As fuel rates are skyrocketing in Uganda; Today we bring you the top ten countries with the lowest consumer petrol fuel rates. Important to note; most of these countries’ economies are driven by oil.

10. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the fifth Asian country on the top ten list of countries with the cheapest petrol per liter. The country borders China and Russia. Like main Asian countries; its attractions rotate around Museums and architecture. Its liter of petrol goes for 1,643.23 Uganda shillings only.

9. Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the only African continent that was never colonized. However, besides that former glory, the country has been trending because of the ongoing civil war in Tigray. But besides the negative stories; the country is most known for its Ethiopian airways. Ethiopia is also one of the African countries where you have to get a local driving license in case you are to attempt a self-drive safari within their border using an Ethiopian registered vehicle. Regardless of its limited oil reserves if compared to countries like Nigeria and Algeria; its liter of petrol goes for 1,632.49 Uganda shillings only.

8. Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is a Central Asia country that is largely covered by the Caspian and Karakum desert. We can rightly say that it is the most unknown country among this top ten list. The country’s petrol liter goes for 1,532.25 Uganda shillings only.

7. Nigeria

Nigeria is a West African country that has both trended for good and bad reasons. The Boko Haram terrorists have been one of the reasons Nigeria has kept in the international news. But besides the negative stories; Nigeria is the leading exporter of African music and movies. On top of that, they are the leading producers of oil on the African continent. Their petrol liter goes for 1,439.17 Uganda shillings.

6. Kuwait

Kuwait is among the few countries in the world whose whole economy nearly depends on the oil industry. More than 50% of the country’s gross domestic product comes from oil production. This country also neighbors Iran and Iraq. Its main attractions are mainly museums and shopping malls. As of today; its liter of petrol ties with that of Algeria at 1,245.85 Uganda shillings.

Kuwait Tower City Skyline glowing at night, taken in Kuwait in December 2018 taken in hdr

5. Algeria

Algeria, just like Angola; is among the top producers of oil on the African continent. The North Africa Arabic country’s popularity on the African continent rotates around football. Oil production has benefited the country placing it among the top exporters of oil on the African continent. Its liter of fuel goes for 1,245.85 Uganda shillings.

4. Angola

Angola tops the African continent’s list of countries with the cheapest fuel per liter. With its long Portuguese ties; Angola is one of the few African countries that does not have English as its official language. Second, to Nigeria, Angola is the second leading producer of oil on the African continent. Its liter of petrol goes for 959.45 Uganda shillings.

3. Syria

Syria is one of the countries in the recent past that have suffered civil unrest leaving many people jobless and homeless. The country also shares in the ancient history just like Turkey and Iran. Regardless of the political unrest in the country; a liter of petrol in Syria goes for 826.98 Uganda shillings

2. Iran

Iran is an Islamic state in Asia that has in the recent past suffered from trade isolation due to its nuclear power. Boasting of history spanning for more than 3000 years with some of the ancient empires; Iran is incredibly gifted with priceless architectural structures and domes.  Ranked among the leading producer of oil; Iran’s liter of petrol goes for 214.80 Uganda shillings.

1. Venezuela

The South American country is gifted with a diversity of attractions. But besides its magnificent attractions; this beautiful country is the oil capital of the whole world. However much its oil might have not benefited them to the degree of United Arab Emirates; Venezuela boasts of the lowest fuel rates in the whole world. A liter of petrol in Venezuela goes for as low as 75 Uganda shillings per liter.

By SePH256

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