The Uganda  Communications  Commission (UCC)Recently issued a directive  that saw almost every Television  Gossip show take a break. Many  Ugandan viewers were taken by shock a few weeks ago when they realized that they couldn’t watch their favorite Television  shows which largely air in the evening, concerning news around and about their  celebrities here in Uganda.

Uganda has over 27 Television  Stations and over  200 Radio Situations as Of a report by Uganda  Communications  Commission, a body tasked with regulating Media houses in Uganda. A sizable number of these Televisions  show gossip television shows and of late they had become the real deal among Television  lovers here.

For a long time, news about celebrities  here in Uganda would just be a segment  in Music shows on TV  and Radio, and would not las more that five minutes. However, in 2017, as SPARK  TV was starting, under Agie Asiimwe Konde, the then Managing Director  of NTV – Uganda, came with a full show, dedicated to Celebrity Gossip alone. The pioneer presenters  of this show include Nambooze Annet (Anatalia  ozzie)and Zahara  Totto  who have since moved to NEXT MEDIA to run another Gossip show called UNCUT On NBS  TV  and SANYUKA  TV.


A Gossip show is basically a show on TV or Radio giving people news about celebrities or popular figures in our country – Sometimes true and on other occasions  false. These are largely entertainment shows which bring viewers up to speed with what is happening around their celebrities. Here, Show hosts talk about news concerning Musicians, Record Producers, Actors and actresses, Bars, Festivals, Night clubs, Theme Parties such as “Blankets and Wines,””Nyege Nyege” etc.

These stories are usually not so far from which Artiste  has defaulted  on rent, Which celebrity is no longer relevant, who fought in bars etc…such casual stories but which catch the attention  of Ugandans. Hence offering an alternative form of entertainment for people across all classes.

Over time, Many TVs  picked up this concept and before  we knew it, there was a Gossip show on almost every  TV. There was a lot of competition for news and the need to attract a big Audience and so use of Vulgar language on Air, Airing of false news, and direct attack of personalities and etc. As a result, Celebrities complained about some shows but there was no change.

In an ugly twist of events, Some musicians started hunting down Show hosts, with many getting a beating of their lifetime, Kasuku  of Dembe  Fm was thumped by Eddie Kenzo  in 2014. Kayz  of Nbs  TV had a stint at Kitalya  Prison  for defaming  Omulangira4 Suuna , TV stations were sued etc.

Following a long outcry from celebrities to UCC  To regulate these shows; UCC Recently ordered  that these shows be scrapped or they Air from 10 pm onward, with proper language  and facts. Of course it is hard for viewers to adjust  to this time. It is also a set back for The sponsors of these shows who prefer Prime time  to Advertise. This risks cancellation  from Sponsors.

On a Positive note, these shows are a form of entertainment  to people, Musicians and Actors are able to promote their work through these shows. Many Presenters earn employment through hosting these shows. These shows also bring in lots of money because they are widely watched and attract big sponsorship.

Therefore, if there are a few Unprofessional journalists,  TVs  could retrain them. Presenters who give wrong news should be banned from TV. Other than that, these are good shows which should not be scrapped form Air. God bless.

By Vincent Sserunkuma

A Professional teacher and Writer.

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