Murchison Falls is the most famous falls in Uganda today. This iconic and outstanding feature identifies the biggest national park in Uganda. Unfortunately due to oil mining in the same park, there seem to be very many interested parties trying to influence what exactly should be done in this area.

This whole scandal begun about 3 months ago when suggestions to construct the dam came up, Uganda tour operators association stood its ground for conserving this magnificent natural feature to the point of coming to terms with the government of Uganda. However, on 27th November, the scandal arose again when the State Minister for Tourism Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi shared a few insights regarding what the cabinet was planning in regard to Murchison falls.

The concern of the government was its focus on Uhuru falls not Murchison falls however this was simply playing a fool to many people;  Uhuru is just beside Murchison falls. They are like twins which cannot be separated without killing the other!

According to the state minister of tourism Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi; the cabinet insists that a feasibility study should be conducted to assess the impact of surrendering Uhuru falls to dam construction. But with all the corruption scandals that have marred the current regime, the tourism stakeholders seem not to have any hope in the proposed feasibility study because it simply awakens the pains of the lost Owen falls in Jinja.

With no one willing to trust the cabinet on this one, the only ground-tour operators and stakeholders are taking is the hashtag #savemurchisonfalls. More is being laid out to see how best to save this iconic feature of the pearl of Africa. Peradventure, it is only the president of Uganda that is thankful for the destruction of similar iconic features of the pearl of Africa in the name of power generation.

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