Persis Namuganza the state minister of land, housing, and urban development and also the member of parliament Bukono County is at loggerheads with the speaker of the Ugandan parliament Annet Anita Among over an accusation of a fraudulent marriage between the speaker and Honorable Magogo.

The state minister believes that the speaker is using a number of parliamentarians to censor Persis Namuganza over misconduct but she is also seeking to attempt a censorship motion claiming that the speaker of parliament participated in a fraudulent marriage which is against the rules of parliamentary conduct.

Persis claims that Honorable Magogo and the speaker of parliament Anita Among participated in a fraudulent civil marriage. In Uganda, civil marriages are monogamous and it is well known that Honorable Magogo has several wives. In order for his civil marriage to be legally binding, he has to divorce all the other women he was previously engaged to or married to traditionally or under the sharia law.

What is unclear to many people is why of all people Persis Namuganza picked an interest in the marriage case between Anita Among and Moses Magogo. Persis claims that the parliamentary spotlight couple dragged her husband into participating in a fraudulent marriage. Persis claims that her husband works in the marriage registry where he was forced to operate under duress to verify a “fraudulent marriage” between Anita Among and Moses Magogo.

Persis again claims that the move to censor her in parliament is simply the speaker using her influence in parliament against her. It should be noted that anyone guilty of fraud in Uganda is not allowed to hold public office.

Unfortunately, though Persis has a case against the speaker; it cannot count until the speaker Anita Among and Moses Magogo are proven guilty.  Many people have considered this raft more a personal dispute than a political one.

On the other hand, the impeachment of Namuganza is connected to the land dispute of Nakawa land. It is the same land issue that saw Apostle Grace Lubega of Phaneroo ministries and the Ugandan billionaire Sudhir appear before parliament to explain how they got approval to occupy government land in Naguru.

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