Money Heist was first premiered on May 2, 2017. A story of a mastermind criminal only known by the tag “professor” gathers a team of fugitives to work together with him to execute the heist of the century. The series mainly intrigue the audience by the professor’s ability to always keep a step ahead of the police and always forcing them to move in his favor.

What starts out as a heist turns out to make the thieves heroes in the society for executing what seems to be like a Robinhood heist. Unfortunately; in the previous season; the thieves who had become family lost one of their family members “Nairobi” forcing them to switch from a Robinhood crew to a crew of vengence.

Season 5 is tagged “for Nairobi”. No one knows what is in the professor’s head but whatever he is planning will make Nairobi’s death in the line of duty worthwhile.

Today the long-awaited part five of the money heist will premiere at Netflix. “for Nairobi”

By SePH256

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